Monoglot Guru
Travel • Education • Preparedness
Establishing &/or enhancing lifestyle skills that will enable members to flourish and thrive as monoglots.
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How Do I Explain All of This?

Okay, so why do I think that there's a space

for a different narrative, or that a

different narrative needs to be heard?

There are a lot of language learning

organizations out there, and a lot of them

are throwing out all types of... marketing

ploys... statements about how essential the

knowledge THEY have is, and hinting at

prospects of tangible gains that await you if

you gain this... almost magical knowledge.

Yeah, NO.

The truth of the matter is that MOST people

don't need to know a foreign language.

If they were told the truth upfront, in

short, that they'll have to commit themselves

to two years of hard work JUST to become

functional in a foreign language...

Most people would find another way to meet

their objectives...

If you spend any kind of time watching

polyglot videos, eventually you walk away

with the overall impression that this is not

the best use of time and effort for a grownup

person. - Whether ego for those racking up

those languages, or just exaggeration ...

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A Shoutout to Ari Helderman - Take 2
A Shoutout to Ari Helderman

Keep on throwing out those reasons :

THANK YOU! - Moscow, Russia - August 30, 2022

Something actually trumps, "How much?"

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